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Hair Care Tips by Nadeem
It's surprising the way some people treat their hair. Instead of giving it the respect it deserves, they tug at it with their hair brush, secure it with plain elastic bands that stick to the hair, lick it, chew it, clean their inky hands with it, stick their pens in it, wipe that excess eye-liner off on it, and while shampooing, rub it, scrub it, pull it and generally bash it around before stuffing it under the full blast of a hair dryer. Phew! It's shameful. Just because they're not going bald in a hurry, they take it for granted. And then they wonder why their hair isn't a shiny, swinging, sexy mane like in the ads, in spite of using the same shampoo! Well, understand the facts of life. Hair is delicate, growing stuff which need to be handled with care. A lot of care.
First, identify your hair type. Is it normal, oily or dry?
So, who's normal? Well, if your hair isn't a constant maze of split ends, doesn't become oily quickly and is fairly well behaved, you could say it is normal. Wash your hair twice a week with a mild shampoo and conditioner for normal hair. Towel dry lightly. Blow dry from at least five inches away, whether your hair is normal, dry or oily.
Stress, hormonal activity (puberty, childbirth), thyroid problems and eating too much fatty food and chocolates are what usually cause oily hair. Oily hair needs to be washed more often but don't scrub too hard while washing. It won't get your hair any cleaner or less oilier. What it will do is further aggravate the already overactive sebaceous glands on your scalp, not to mention cause damage to the delicate follicles. And don't pile hair on the head while shampooing, even though it may look great in the ads. It causes tangling, leading to further breakage. You could add lemon to the final rinse for a great shine. If you don't have time to shampoo every few days or feel lazy and leave it oily, your hair won't just look terrible, but dirt will get lodged under its surface causing breakage and damage not to mention dandruff. This will lead to skin problems such as acne on your chest, back and face. So you need to be careful about washing hair regularly, though you could condition it just twice a month. However, if your hair has been chemically treated, you should condition hair after every wash as chemical strips hair of its natural oils.
If your hair is dry, wash it twice a week with a shampoo for dry hair, followed by a conditioner. If your scalp feels very dry and flaky, use an anti-dandruff shampoo. Be very gentle with the ends of the hair, which are the driest parts and tend to split easily. You may be tempted to use styling products to tame the frizz, but avoid it. Frizz is usually caused by the inadequate flow of sebum from the roots, as it is being blocked by the flaky scalp. Give your hair a good oil massage before washing, to loosen the flakes, and rinse hair extra thoroughly.
Beautiful Hair is an asset for any woman. Some are gifted with naturally beautiful hair while others have to really work hard on it. But essentially everybody has to work on hair either for improving or for maintaining them. Here are some tips to manage your Crowning Glory.
Hair Wash
The best way of washing hair is with Aritha and Shikakai Powder. It does not have any chemicals or any other side effects. Aritha and Shikakai powder is available at any General stores or even a banyan shop.
Dry Hair - Egg, Herbal shampoo or any shampoo for dry hair. Normal Hair - For normal hair fruit shampoos or henna shampoo is good.
Oily Hair - Lemon Shampoo
Hair Oil
Oil your hair at least once in a week. If you have dry hair then oil it twice a week. Hair oil gives the necessary moisturizers to your hair. Herbal hair oil provides you the necessary nourishment along with the moisturizers. Hair Conditioners
Henna conditions and colours your hair.
Dry hair - Add some milk, water and 1-2egg yolks in henna. This mixture will not dry your hair and will make it soft and manageable. Apply it monthly.
Normal to Oily Hair Add water, lemon, egg yolks in henna. You can apply Henna fortnightly.
Home made conditioners
Add cup of vinegar in bucket of water. This will give a good shine to your hair. Mix curds and egg yolks together and apply it for 1hour.
Hair Tonics Try tonic Hair Oils powder - Put 4 tsp of this powder in water, boil it and after cooling down apply it on hair. This will stop hair loss, rejuvenate and nourish your hair.
Quick- fix hair tips
If you want instant luster just before a big night, beat an egg without the yolk, squeeze half a lemon into it and apply to hair avoiding the scalp than rinse and wash in another half an hour. Be sure to give your hair a last rinse with some rose water because we don't want you going out smelling like an egg.
Henna soaked in water of used tea bags, coffee powder, amla powder and onion peels can make for a excellent conditioner giving your hair the much needed boost.
There are a dozen of hair accessories available in the market today. Use clips, pins and bands to give your hair a different style and an added touch of color.
Nadeem, holds the national record (limca book of record holder) in Candle hair cut, blindfolded hair cut, hair cut with glass and papercutter. He had featured in various TV channels, Newspapers and he was also appreciated by Guiness Book of world records. He works as a hair stylist at REX Salon, Chandigarh (INDIA). Recently he conducted a seminar on hair styling and Japanese rebonding, It was very successful various hair dressers & beauticians from the region participated and appreciated his work.
free lance writer
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Female Hair Loss:
Find Out The Causes Of Sudden Hair Loss
A Guide to Female Hair Loss
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Hair Care Tips by Nadeem
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1:16 PM
Find Out The Causes Of Sudden Hair Loss
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Find Out The Causes Of Sudden Hair Loss
Two of the leading causes of sudden hair loss are genes and stress. Hairloss may be inherited, but this is usually not sudden, but happens over time. What is sudden about it is that you notice large clumps of hair staying on the brush or comb when you do your hair each morning. Although this is common in males, it does happen to females as well. Severe stress has also been identified as a cause of sudden hair loss because it interferes with the inner workings of the bodys hormones. This can be psychological stress or trauma to the body following an accident or major surgery.
People that experience sudden hair loss contact their doctor immediately to try to find the causes of sudden hair loss. If there is no underlying stress or side effects from medication, sudden hair loss could be a warning sign of the early onset of a disease such as diabetes or lupus or even an infection of the scalp.
Some people who experience sudden hair loss realize that the problem is caused by DHT. This is usually what causes rapid hair loss due to genetic causes. The doctor can prescribe a DHT blocker as a shampoo or a topical solution that will help to slow the effects of thinning hair and help some of the hair to grow back. Of course every case is different. What works well for one person may not work for another.
One of the more serious hair loss causes is a condition called alopecia. There are several forms of this condition, but there is no cure for it. The forms of alopecia are:
Alopecia areata in this form of the condition patients experience sudden hair loss in patches that leave bald spots in different parts of the scalp
Alopecia totalis this results in total hair loss on all of the scalp
Alopecia universalis this is total hairloss all over the body
When doctors are trying to find the causes of rapid hair loss, the first tests will be blood tests to determine whether there is an infection, a deficiency or a hormone problem. Sudden hair loss in itself is a traumatic experience and people often rush out and purchase all manner of products to try to get their hair to grow back. These products will probably not work unless you have identified the underlying causes of sudden hair loss. It is important to so this first rather than waste your money on products that will not do anything for you or your hair.
Sudden hair loss is not common, but happens. Find out the cause first before doing anything else.
For a website totally devoted to hair loss and hair replacement visit Peter's Website The Hair Replacement Guide, and find out about Hair Transplant Surgery as well as Hair Restoration and more, including Male Hair Loss and Female Hair Loss
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Hair Loss Remedies How Do You Choose?
Womens Hair Loss What Should You Do?
Is Hair Loss Shampoo Any Good For Me?
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1:15 PM
Finding Information On Different Hair Growth Systems
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Finding Information On Different Hair Growth Systems
Many people who experience balding or thinning hair often search in vain for the perfect hair growth systems that will restore their full head of hair. While there are hair growth systems available that will encourage some hair growth on bald spots, dont you think that if the perfect system existed, you would have heard about it before now?
A condition known as alopecia affects young people and results in total hair loss on the entire body. In severe cases, the patients often go through a regimen of hair regrowth systems in attempts to stop the hair loss, such as taking cortisone treatments and different types of therapy.
Such hair growth systems are all performed under a doctors care and in a hospital setting. In addition, hair replacement systems also work for people who do not have an underlying medical cause for the hair loss, but these are also down by a medical doctor.
Basically there are three types of hair growth systems that people experiencing hair loss can use. The first is to use topical solutions, prescribed by the doctor. With these hair regrowth systems you have to apply the solution to your scalp twice a day. The results of hair regrowth using this method are promising, but they do not work for everyone.
About 5% of people using the solutions did not see a difference at all. The problem with using this method is often the side effects such as weakness or low blood pressure that could be very harmful. This is why these hair growth systems are only used under a doctors care.
There are also surgical hair replacement systems. You can have strands of hair grafted into your scalp where one or two strands of hair are shot into your scalp with a needle for hair regrowth. Some patients have resorted to having scalp reduction surgery so that the bald spot on the top of the head does not appear to be as large. Another hair growth system that requires surgery is the flap method where areas of hair from the back and the sides of the head are rotated to the bald spots. This method of hair growth is the most complicated of all and a lot of bleeding could occur.
The least complicated hair growth system is to wear a wig. You can style it whatever way you want, color it when you want and take it off whenever you want.
Hair growth systems are often very good, but you need to find out exactly what it is you need for your condition.
For a website totally devoted to hair loss and hair replacement visit Peter's Website The Hair Replacement Guide, and find out about Hair Transplant Surgery as well as Hair Restoration and more, including Male Hair Loss and Female Hair Loss.
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1:03 PM
Female Hair Loss
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Female Hair Loss
Some of the legends I have heard over the years about female hair loss are : Wigs and hats may cause female hair loss, Female hair loss indicates an energetic brain, A frequently washing of the hair or over brushing or combing it may cause hair loss and hair shaving will make the hair re grow thicker.
Female hair loss most popular type is the female pattern hair loss. It is a hereditary type which might be inherited from each of the parents. To make things simple, the cause of the female pattern hair loss is a chemical called DHT.
The female pattern hair loss usually becomes stronger at the age of menopause. Its symptoms are thinning of the hair over the sides and the top of the head.
There are 4 available products to treat female hair loss:
1. Medical treatments like Rogaine. Rogaine is one of only two FDA approved hair loss treatments and it remains the only one approved for use by women. Rogaine or minoxidil also helps high blood pressure.
Rogaine works on about 50% of female hair loss cases but not always with the same efficiency. It comes as a lotion that you have to put on your scalp.
2. Wigs or hair thickeners theses cosmetic female hair loss products may help you save a lot of time, money and discomfort using other kinds of products.
However, many women feel insecure and in natural with the cosmetic female hair loss products. Do not be afraid to change styles and products until you are satisfied.
3. The last and least recommended female hair loss treatment is a hair transplantation surgery. Although there has been a significant improvement with the outcomes of those surgeries a severe risk still exists.
The principle of the hair transplant is transplanting hair follicles from the body ( the back of the head for example) on the scalp. It is a pain full long process.
In some cases, female hair loss can be a mental symptom. Therefore, it is advised to wait a while before using any of the female hair loss products mentioned above.
911 Corp. executed an independent research to find the best hair loss treatments. Find the results on the best hair loss products 911 corp.
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Female Hair Loss
Are There Really Vitamins For Hair Loss?
Hair Loss In Women A Devastating Occurrence
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12:56 PM
Everything You Wanted To Know About Hair
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Everything You Wanted To Know About Hair
In order to treat hair loss successfully, it is necessary to know about hair. This article discusses general facts about human hair, hair structure and growth.
The average human adult body has an astounding 5 million hairs of which 100,000 to 150,000 are on the scalp. True blondes have more hair on the scalp - 140,000 hairs than brunettes (105,000 hairs) or redheads (90,000 hairs). Hair is made up of a protein called Keratin. Keratin is also a constituent of our nails.
* Hair around the world
Hair color and texture differ around the world. Asians have jet-black hair whereas Scandinavians have varying shades of browns and reds to the pale blonde. There are generally three racial groups with three types of hair.
1. Oriental - People from Japan and China have straight and black hair.
2. Caucasoid - This group is varied and a mixture of several racial groups. The hair colors range from black to blonde. The hair can be wavy or straight.
3. African - African people have black hair that is tightly curled. It is woolly and dry. Heat or chemicals can easily damage this type of hair.
* Hair structure
Some part of hair is hidden under the skin, while the rest is seen outside the body. The part of hair hidden under the skin is the hair follicle. There are tiny blood vessels at the base of the follicle that provides nutrition to the hair.
Sebaceous glands secrete sebum that keeps the hair shiny and waterproof to some extent. At the root of the hair follicle is the papilla, which is where the hair grows. Hair follicles are formed when the baby is still in the womb.
After birth, there is no new growth of hair follicles. The hair strand itself consists of three layers. The outermost layer called the cuticle is thin. The middle layer called the cortex is thick. The cortex provides the hair its strength, color and determines whether hair will be wavy or straight.
* Hair Growth
The hair grows at the rate of 12 millimeters every month. Hair grows the best between 10 AM to 11 AM and again between 4 PM to 6 PM. It is also generally known that hair grows faster in summer than winter. Hair grows the best between the ages of 15 to 30 and slows down from the age of 40 onwards. Both genders start natural hair loss in 50s.
Hair rejuvenation takes place on a daily basis. Hair grows and sheds. You normally shed 50 to 100 hairs per day. Any loss above that or visible patches of baldness are a cause for worry and can be classified as hair loss.
Find out what causes hair loss, and discover latest techniques and ideas for effective hair loss treatment.
For lots of valuable information and articles, click
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Finding Information On Different Hair Growth Systems
Hair Loss Is a Cause for Concern
Hair Loss and Its Effects
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12:49 PM
Dont Lose Hair Because Of Poor Grooming
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Dont Lose Hair Because Of Poor Grooming
One of the most common reasons why men and women lose their hair is due to poor cosmetic grooming. The unfortunate thing about this is the fact it is so preventable. Fortunately there are some steps you can take to put right some of the damage caused.
Speaking at the American Academy of Dermatology's 2004 summer conference, Dr Zoe Draelos offered a number of recommendations to improve the hair care regime:
1. Itching associated with seborrheic dermatitis can weaken and damage hair over a period of time so seek medical help if your scalp skin is itchy, red or scaly.
2. Long hair is more easily damaged. People with extensive hair damage should therefore consider a shorter style.
3. Hair growth slows with age and hair becomes thinner in texture. Older people should therefore ensure that only weaker chemicals are applied.
4. Take care when choosing grooming tools. Use a comb made from flexible plastic with smooth, rounded and coarse teeth. Use a brush with bristles that are smooth, ball-tipped, coarse and bendable. In addition brush as little as possible and avoid brushing wet hair.
5. Don't use tight rubber bands for ponytails as these cause excessive trauma and breaking of hairs. Likewise use hair clips loosely.
6. Understand the nature of your hair and adjust the intensity of your grooming to match. For example, curly hair tends to crack more easily than straight hair so be careful.
7. Make sure the hair is always cut with sharp scissors as crushing the end of the hair will encourage split ends.
8. The less that is done to hair in terms of styling, the healthier it will be. It follows then that care should be taken not to over-style with cosmetic products.
9. Hair coloring and bleaching are damaging to hair. If you must change hair color, try to stay within three shades of the natural color to minimize damage.
10. Hair relaxing and permanent waving are both damaging to hair and should only be used on a very limited basis.
You can find out more about treating hair loss by visiting the site listed below.
Richard Mitchell is the creator of the, website that provides information and guidance to those suffering from premature hair loss. Please go to Hair Loss Solutions to find out more about the issues covered in this article.
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Hair Loss: An Overview
Womens Hair Loss
A Look at Male Hair Loss
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12:48 PM
Common Treatments For Hair Loss In Women
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Common Treatments For Hair Loss In Women
Much has been said and written about modern day hair loss treatments but this tends to relate almost exclusively to men. Do these same treatments offer solutions to women suffering from hair loss or is there a completely different category of remedies available? It really depends on what is causing hair loss in the first place and as the most common causes of hair loss are the same as those that affect men, the treatments available are pretty similar.
In an earlier article we concluded that the three most common causes of hair loss in women are female pattern baldness, telogen effluvium and alopecia areata. We'll now look at each of these in turn and examine the best treatments available, bearing in mind the specific needs of women:
1. Treatments for female pattern baldness.
In most instances minoxidil (Rogaine) is the first treatment used. This is one of only two FDA approved hair loss treatments and it remains the only one approved for use by women. Minoxidil comes in the form of a topical solution that works by tackling the symptoms of hair loss and helping to generate new hair growth. It does not target the causes of hair loss and will not work for everyone. The women's version of minoxidil is a 2% solution but the 5% version marketed for men can be used if necessary.
The most popular drug for treating male pattern baldness is of course finasteride (Propecia). Women of child bearing age should not use this drug due to the severely damaging effects it can have on unborn male fetuses. Any women considering using Propecia should discuss it first with their physician. In some cases your doctor may prescribe a different androgen blocker called spironolactone as a means of stopping the hormone activity that is causing hair loss. Spironolactone is normally used as a diuretic and results may be variable.
There is a bewildering range of commercial products available, most of which are aimed squarely at men but many are also suitable for women to use. Whether they work or not is another question but some products containing ingredients like saw palmetto, stinging nettle, pygeum and green tea have shown their value. You can find out more about these and other poential hair loss solutions by visiting the site listed at the end of this article.
2. Treatments for telogen effluvium
This is a hair loss condition that generally does not require any specific treatment. Once the effects of the trauma that caused hair loss in the first place have subsided, the hair will regrow of its own accord. Some patients like to encourage the regrowth process by using minoxidil but this isn't necessary. Implementing a good nutritional regime and supplementing with B-vitamins may help to create a hair friendly environment.
3. Treatments for alopecia areata.
This is another hair loss condition that may resolve itself spontaneously. In some cases one of the following treatments may prove useful:
- Daily application of minoxidil (Rogaine).
- Injection of cortisone into patchy areas of the scalp (this must be administered by a physician). Creams and lotions containing cortisone can also be used but results are variable.
- Dithranol can be applied to the scalp in mild or early cases.
- Application of 100% aloe vera gel.
- Massage the scalp with rosemary and lavender essential oils in a jojoba base.
- Use of a hair loss product containing the Chinese herb He Shou Wu.
- A product called Calosol has recently generated positive feedback.
Please note, however, that none of these is guaranteed to work due to the unpredictable nature of alopecia areata. It is this uncertainty that offers opportunities for scamsters to make outlandish claims. The fact remains, there are no miracle cures for advanced forms of alopecia areata so sufferers may wish to consider other options such as head coverings and wigs.
This does not mean that patients are without hope because, even in severe cases, hair can spontaneously start to grow again even after years of loss.
Richard Mitchell is the creator of the website that provides information and guidance to those suffering from premature hair loss. Please go to Hair Loss Treatments for Women to find out more about the issues covered in this article.
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Hair Loss In Men - The Contributing Factors
Which Hair Regrowth Product Will I Use Today?
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12:47 PM
Common Hair Mistakes
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Common Hair Mistakes
The tip of each hair is weaker then the root, making it more vulnerable to breakage and split ends. Having the tips trimmed every 6 weeks helps to maintain the condition of your hair and its style.
Regularly washing your hair strips it of essential oils and can leave it dry and brittle. If you have naturally oily hair, use a mild, pH-balanced shampoo. When washing your hair don't rub the scalp vigorously as this will stimulate the oil glands to produce more sebum.
The action of rubbing you hair with a towel actually roughens the hair cuticle, which can lead to frizzy, flyaway hair.
Shampoo and conditioner that is not thoroughly rinsed out of the hair is the worst culprit for bad hair days. It counteracts styling products, leaves your hair looking dull, limp and unmanageable. Try to rinse your hair for an extra couple of minutes after shampooing and conditioning.
Overheating your hair makes it susceptible to breakage and strips it of shine. A better idea is to blow-dry hair until its 80% dry and then let it air dry, naturally. Alternatively use a leave-in conditioner or styling product that protects your hair from heat styling. Also, hold the hair dryer at least 30 centimetres away from your hair.
Many people misdiagnose their hair type and subsequently purchase the wrong hair products to style hair. Using the right product will help to recreate that special salon style.
Everyday pollutants cling to hair and leave a thin coat of grime that dulls and weighs down the hair. Using a clarifying shampoo once a week will give hair a residue free fresh start.
Let's face it; we're not all beautiful models. Not all of us can get away with the latest, trendiest, most fashionable hair cut. May be that fashion cut can give you a worst look. It all depends on individual, their texture, their lifestyle, their quality of hair. Drastic haircuts take a long time to grow out, so be sure you want to take the risk before sitting in the char and letting your hairdresser go to work. Be specific and take lots of photographs to ensure you are getting the look you want. It is a good idea to take along a trusted friend for advice! Better yet, is to check out the style gallery on our website
These tips are by Nadeem, who holds the national record (limca book of record holder) in Candle hair cut, blindfolded hair cut, hair cut with glass and papercutter. He had featured in various TV channels, Newspapers & also appreciated by GUINESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS. He works as a hair stylist at REX Salon, Chandigarh (INDIA). Recently he conducted a seminar on hair styling and Japanese rebonding, It was very successful various hair dressers & beauticians from the region participated and appreciated his work.
Free lance writer writes for various magazine, newspapers & journal
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The Cause of Hair Loss
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12:44 PM
Causes of Hair Loss
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Causes of Hair Loss
The normal cycle of hair growth and loss means that some amount of hair loss will occur in every individuals life. It is said that at any given point in time, about 10% of the hair on our scalp is in a resting phase which sheds after a couple of months, giving way to new hair growth. This growing phase lasts for 2 to 6 years when each hair grows about 1 centimeter per month. Hence, almost 90 percent of the hair is growing at any one time. Regular hair shedding is part of this cycle; however, some people experience excessive hair loss.
Excessive hair loss, however, is cause for concern. A number of reasons may lead to excessive hair loss. Any major illness, fungal infections or surgery may be major reasons. Hormonal problems like hypo or hyper thyroidism or male (androgens) or female (estrogens) hormones imbalance leads to hair loss. Post pregnancy hair loss is also common as a hormone imbalance occurs at this time as well.
Medicines for ailments like diabetes, chemotherapy, lupus, gout, blood coagulation, birth control and anti-depressants can cause hair loss too. Improper hair care can also lead to hair loss. Excessive use of chemicals or blow-drying for hair styling leads to hair loss as it scars the scalp, sometimes leading to permanent damage.
Common baldness usually refers to male-pattern baldness. It is the most common type of inherited hair loss trait in men where hair loss typically results in a receding hairline and baldness on the top of the head. Female-pattern baldness in women leads to hair thinning over the entire scalp.
It is important to determine the exact reason for your hair loss. Check on your diet first. Switch over to a healthy diet of fruits, green vegetables and fibers to be washed down with at least 2 liters of water each day. Cut down on fried and fatty food. Follow a hair care regimen of hot oil treatment, massage, conditioning and shampooing on a regular basis. If you're a woman, check the regularity of your menstrual cycle, pregnancy status and menopause.
The only way to deal with hair loss is to learn the causes, look for the right remedy, then come to a decision on what you want to do, and go for it. One should also take steps to prevent hair loss from recurring in future.
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Lana Hampton is the webmaster of Visit her site today for the latest hair loss information, treatments and product reviews. Reprinting this article is permitted with this footer included.
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12:42 PM