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What! Female Hair Loss Treatments!
Many people think that hair loss is a male problem, but it is one that many females suffer from as well. Hair loss is a very traumatic experience for a woman, even though it perfectly natural to lose your hair as you get older. When young women start to experience hair loss, they start to research the kinds of female hair loss treatments that are available to them. The treatment they find depends on what is causing the hairloss to occur in the first place. Some of the causes may be stress or hormonal changes. In these cases the doctor can easily prescribe female hair loss treatments that have nothing to do with hair growth.
New hair loss treatments are coming on the market all the time, but their validity has yet to be determined. Scientists will tell you that many of the so-called new hair loss treatments may not work for you. Since every person is unique and the reasons for hair loss vary from person to person, there are no one kind of female hair loss treatments that work for everybody.
With the doctor prescribed hair loss treatments for women, the one that has had the most success is a topical solution containing 2% Minoxodil. New hair loss treatments containing higher percentages are still being tested to see if they are suitable for females to use. Female hairloss treatments sometimes vary to male hair loss treatments.
Another of the new hair loss treatments available for men is a hair growth pill. This is not being considered as one of the female hair loss treatments because of the possibility that it may cause birth defects. Pregnant or nursing mothers should never use the prescribed treatments for hair loss because it is not known what effect it could have on an unborn or newborn baby.
Many women are turning to aromatherapy as female hairloss treatments. Some essential oils are said to be beneficial in controlling hair loss. In a study conducted with females experiencing hair loss a blend of essential oils was used as a topical solution for the scalp, The results of this new hair loss treatment were very promising, with 44% showing marked improvement after seven months of the treatment. With aromatherapy oils, as with all other female hairloss treatments, once you stop using them so does the hair growth.
Female hair loss treatments often vary from male hair loss treatments, depending on the cause of the hair loss.
For a website totally devoted to hair loss and hair replacement visit Peter's Website The Hair Replacement Guide, and find out about Female Hair Loss as well as Hair Restoration and more, including Male Hair Loss and Hair Restoration
Related Links:
Natural Hair Loss Treatment
What! Female Hair Loss Treatments!
The Truth About Hair Loss
Saturday, August 05, 2006
What! Female Hair Loss Treatments!
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8:03 AM
Treatments That Offer Hope To Hair Loss Sufferers
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Treatments That Offer Hope To Hair Loss Sufferers
Many people experiencing premature hair loss simply resign themselves to a process that is as inevitable as growing old. This is a positive and healthy reaction to what is a natural process for many. But for others the onset of premature balding or excessive hair loss represents a traumatic development that causes untold worry and suffering. This too is a legitimate reaction regardless of whether the hair loss is caused by hereditary factors or some other more complex cause.
Should these sufferers just grin and bear it? No, they should not because there are a number of potentially effective treatments they could utilize, depending on the nature of their hair loss. In this article I will outline some of the most popular hair loss treatments currently available in order to reinforce the fact that hair loss can be treated. The next article in the series will look closely at the treatment regimes best suited to specific ailments such as alopecia areata and telogen effluvium.
At present only two medications have been approved as hair loss treatments by the FDA. These are minoxidil, better known as Rogaine, and finasteride, better known as Propecia. Several other drugs have proven to be effective in combating hair loss, dutasteride for example, but have not yet been approved for this particular use.
Finasteride was originally developed to treat enlarged prostate conditions but a low dose version was subsequently approved for the treatment of hair loss in men. It tackles the causes of male pattern baldness by preventing the conversion of 5-alpha-reductase into DHT. Given that DHT is the main male hormone linked to hair loss, reducing its production by two thirds has a major impact on controlling this type of baldness.
Research has shown that 83% of men studied were able to maintain their hair count and 64% experienced regrowth by the end of a two year period. It should be noted that finasteride is approved for use by men only as the drug can have serious effects on unborn male fetuses. Women should therefore only consider using this drug under the strict supervision of a physician.
Dutasteride (Avodart) is a new medication for use in treating prostate conditions and, although not yet approved for the treatment of hair loss, it does offer exciting possibilities. It works in a similar way to finasteride but reputedly reduces overall DHT production by over 93%. As is the case with finasteride, women should consult their physician before using dutasteride.
Minoxidil (Rogaine) is the other hair loss treatment approved by the FDA and it is the only anti-baldness drug approved for women. Applied topically, its main benefit is its ability to stimulate regrowth thus reversing the effects of pattern baldness. Many users combine the application of minoxidil with other hair loss treatments like Propecia to achieve maximal results, but others experience satisfactory outcomes using minoxidil on its own.
Several studies have shown that certain non-drug products promote hair regrowth but none have yet been approved by the FDA. This is partly due to the prohibitive costs involved in conducting trials to prove that the products are effective for the purpose of marketing them as hair loss treatments. Many individuals and dermatologists nonetheless recommend use of certain non-drug treatments as an alternative or complement to drug therapy.
In many instances the treatments are based on natural ingredients that stimulate similar responses to those of the prescribed drugs but without the side effects. The information provided here presents a sample of products that have been subjected to testing or at least have had their effectiveness supported by independent feedback.
One such product is Arcon Tisane which has become Europe's top selling natural supplement for hair loss. It comes as a capsule and sub-lingual spray containing saw palmetto and fenugreek stimulating a response similar to that of finasteride by inhibiting the production of DHT. Arcon Tisane has been clinically tested and has received widespread media coverage of its success in combating hair loss.
Calosol is a relatively new product aimed at helping alopecia areata sufferers. It consists of a shampoo and an accelerator applied daily in order to stimulate hair roots, reduce hair loss and promote healthy hair. Early indications suggest that Calosol can contribute significantly to easing this distressing and difficult to treat condition.
Fabao 101 is a treatment that comes in varying formats, each designed to tackle a particular form of hair loss. The common factor to each product is their derivation from natural plant sources. It was developed by a dermatologist and has received many international awards.
Folligen copper peptide products are designed to help create an environment that improves scalp health, reduces hair loss and stimulates hair regrowth. It can be used by both men and women. Studies at over 30 leading universities and medical research institutes have established the effectiveness of the technology utilized in Folligen products.
Tricomin is another treatment that targets the delivery of copper to the base of the hair follicle and it too has been clinically proven as an effective treatment for stopping hair loss and stimulating regrowth. It can be used safely with other hair loss treatments and can be especially useful in complementing the effects of finasteride and minoxidil.
Revivogen is an all-natural hair loss treatment that reduces DHT production, blocks the androgen receptors and stimulates hair growth. It is used topically and has no known side effects.
Shen Min is another natural hair loss treatment designed to restore and regrow all types and stages of hair loss. It is safe for both men and women. Shen Min contains a blend of Chinese herbs and comes in various forms to suit most people.
ThymuSkin was developed by German scientists to fight hair loss in patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment. Due to the high success rates the product was developed for use by the general public to combat all types of hair loss. Clinical studies conducted in Europe show that ThymuSkin hair loss treatments could help to stop baldness and regrow hair for 67% of men and 95% of women.
Hopefully this article has demonstrated that many treatment options are available to hair loss sufferers. The next article in this series will develop the theme further by examining the treatment regimes that have proven effective in tackling specific forms of hair loss such as androgenetic alopecia, alopecia areata and telogen effluvium.
Richard Mitchell is the creator of the website that provides information and guidance to those suffering from premature hair loss.
Related Links:
Natural Hair Loss Treatment
What! Female Hair Loss Treatments!
The Truth About Hair Loss
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7:59 AM
Treatment Options Available To Hair Loss Sufferers
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Treatment Options Available To Hair Loss Sufferers
The hair loss treatments outlined here cannot provide definitive cures for all hair loss conditions, but they do represent regimes that many sufferers have found useful. In other words, they are examples of potential solutions that many patients have chosen after honestly assessing the causes of their hair loss together with their expectations.
This article will focus on four basic approaches:
1. A drugs based approach for those who don't mind taking strong medications.
2. A commercial product approach for those who prefer a non-drug solution but who still want a treatment that has a track record.
3. A natural remedy approach for those who prefer to follow the natural route.
4. A nutritional approach for those who wish to adopt a more holistic perspective.
It remains a fact that only two hair loss treatments have been approved by the FDA and both can be classed as strong drug-based medications. Propecia (finasteride) is the treatment of choice for many men with good reason - it tends to work! It is a powerful drug that inhibits the formation of DHT in the system, eventually to a level that is sufficiently low to encourage a normal growth cycle. Rogaine (minoxidil) acts differently in that it stimulates hair growth in both men and women by overriding the prevailing hair loss symptoms. These drugs can be used either on their own or in combination. Women should seek professional medical advice before using Propecia.
The world of commercial hair loss products is much less clear cut and it is here that many scamsters ply their trade to rip-off unsuspecting customers. The best advice I can give here is research, research, and more research! Many useful products are available on the market but none have been approved by the FDA. Probably the best, and certainly most popular, commercially available products are those containing natural ingredients that have been shown in field trials to reduce hair loss and encourage regrowth. You can find out more about these products by visiting the site listed at the end of this article.
Increasingly, people are turning to natural hair loss remedies as they seek to combat thinning hair. This has an obvious appeal for many sufferers and there is growing evidence to support the view that some natural remedies may be effective in curtailing hair loss. The most popular ingredients of natural hair loss treatments include ginko biloba, green tea, he shou wu, pygeum, saw palmetto and stinging nettle. Each of these is described in more detail in an supplementary article entitled "Herbal Remedies That Offer Hope".
It is becoming increasingly evident that poor nutrition and modern lifestyles can have a negative impact on health, and hair loss is no exception. At the most basic level, improved nutrition can minimize shedding and support other treatments that encourage regrowth. This can be achieved by:
- eating adequate amounts of protein.
- eating appropriate levels of useful carbohydrates.
- achieving a healthy balance of dietary fats.
Other articles in this series will examine these issues in greater detail but in the meantime you can find out more by visiting the site listed below.
Richard Mitchell is the creator of the website that provides information and guidance to those suffering from premature hair loss. Please go to Hair Loss Treatments to find out more about the issues covered in this article.
Related Links:
Hair Loss In Women A Devastating Occurrence
Everything You Wanted To Know About Hair
Causes of Hair Loss
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7:54 AM
The Truth About Hair Loss
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The Truth About Hair Loss
It is normal to shed hair every day and the truth is we loose between 100-125 hairs on any given day. Hair that is shed falls out at the end of growth cycle. At any given time 10% of our hair is in what is called a resting phase and after 2-3 months resting, hair falls out and new hair grows in its place. Some people, however, experience more hair loss than is normal.
As we get older, both men and women experience some hair loss. Its a normal part of the aging process. Called Androgenetic Alopecia, it accounts for 95% of all hair loss. Androgentic Alopecia often runs in families and affects some people more than others. In men it is often referred to as Male Pattern Baldness. It is characterized by a receding hair line and baldness on the top of head. Women, on the other hand, dont go entirely bald even if their hair loss is severe. Instead, hair loss is spread out evenly over their entire scalp.
Hormones play the dominant role when talking about Androgenetic Alopecia. Simple put, both men and women produce testosterone. Testosterone can be converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) with the aid of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase. DHT shrinks hair follicles causing the membranes in the scalp to thicken, become inelastic and restrict blood flow. This causes the hair follicles to atrophy. As a result, when a hair does fall out, it is not replaced.
Needless to say, men produce more testosterone than women and experience more hair loss.
While Androgenetic Alopecia is the number one reason why individuals experience hair loss, it is not the only one. Medical conditions such as hypothyroidism, ringworm and fungal infections can cause hair loss. Certain medications such as blood thinners, gout medication, birth control pills and too much vitamin A can cause sudden or abnormal hair loss as can following a crash diet, sudden hormonal changes, chemotherapy and radiation.
Emotional stress, pregnancy, or surgery can also cause our hair to fall out and is usually not noticed until 3-4 months after the stressful event has taken place. Stress can cause a slowing of new hair growth because a larger number of hair follicles enter into the resting phase and no new hair growth is experienced.
Another way in which individuals experience hair loss is due to mechanical stressors on the hair and scalp. Wearing pigtails, cornrows or tight rollers that end up pull on the hair can scar the scalp and cause permanent hair loss. Hair products such as hot oil treatments and chemicals used for permanents can cause inflammation to the hair follicles which can also result in scarring and hair loss.
Note: Hair loss may be the early warning sign of a more serious disorder such as lupus or diabetes, so it is important to talk to your doctor.
Recommendations For Wellness
If you are taking prescription medications, talk to your doctor and find out if your medication is contributing to your hair loss.
Avoid mega-doses of vitamin A. Too much vitamin A can cause your hair to fall out.
Exercise, do yoga, meditate or find some other practice that will help to reduce your anxiety and stress levels.
If you are a women, have your female hormones tested. If they are imbalanced, talk to your health care provider about bio-identical hormone replacements.
If you wear pigtails, cornrows, use a curling iron, hair dryer or hot rollers, try changing your hair style to one that puts less pressure and stress on your hair and scalp.
If hot oil treatments or chemicals such as those used in permanents are causing inflammation to the scalp, discontinue their use, or reduce the number of times you are using them.
Use gentle shampoos and conditioners to avoid any unnecessary damage to your hair.
In men, herbs such as saw palmetto and licorice root help block the formation of DHT. The same holds true for supplementation with zinc. As an added benefit, studies show that these supplements can also help prevent prostate enlargement.
Massage your scalp with rosemary oil in an olive oil base. Both rosemary oil and massaging the scalp can stimulate the circulation in the scalp and promote hair growth.
Again, if you are experiencing hair loss, check with your doctor to ensure that a more serious disorder isnt the cause.
Copyright Body, Mind & SoulHealer 2005. All rights reserved. Naturopathic Physician, Dr. Rita Louise, Ph.D. is the author of the books Avoiding the Cosmic 2x4 and The Power Within. It is it is her unique gift as a medical intuitive and clairvoyant that illuminates and enlivens her work. Let Dr. Louise help you bring health healing and wholeness back into your life. Medical Intuition & Energy Medicine Certification training classes are now forming. Visit or call (972) 475-3393 for more information.
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Find Out The Causes Of Sudden Hair Loss
A Guide to Female Hair Loss
Hair, Hair Loss and Propecia
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7:48 AM
The Main Causes Of Hair Loss In Women
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The Main Causes Of Hair Loss In Women
When you think of hair loss it's natural to assume that it's a condition that predominantly affects men. Some experts however suggest that as many as one in four women will experience hair loss at some time in their lives. So why don't we see and hear more about it? Perhaps the answer has something to do with one or more of the following:
- Women are better at disguising hair loss.
- Women's hair loss is generally less extensive in terms of severity.
- Women's hair loss tends to be spread evenly over the head rather than concentrated in one or two spots.
So why do women lose hair - are the causes very different to those that result in male baldness? There are probably three common reasons for hair loss in women:
1. Female pattern baldness - believe it or not, most women affected by hair loss lose it for the same reasons as men. They suffer from androgenetic alopecia which is a reaction to male hormones in the body, specifically the conversion of testosterone into the hair-unfriendly DHT. In the case of women, pattern baldness may start later and the effects may be less extreme due to the influence of female hormones, but the condition is nonetheless the same as that found in male pattern baldness.
2. Telogen effluvium - this is regarded as the second most common cause of women's hair loss and this is unsurprising given the nature of the condition. Telogen effluvium is characterized by a general thinning of the hair and is usually brought about as a result of some traumatic event causing sufficient stress to interfere with the normal hair growth cycle. Given that pregnancy is a prime example of the type of event that can shock the hair growth cycle then perhaps the high incidence of telogen effluvium amongst women is only to be expected.
3. Alopecia areata - this is the third most common hair loss condition to affect women. It is characterized by patchy areas of hair loss on the head or it can be more widespread over the body. It is thought to be caused by deficiencies in the immune system but much is still not known about the condition. In many cases the hair regrows spontaneously after a variable period of time, but in a minority of cases the problem may be more severe and longstanding.
If you experience any form of hair loss arrange to visit your physician to discuss the treatments that may be suitable for your particular condition.
Richard Mitchell is the creator of the website that provides information and guidance to those suffering from premature hair loss. Go to Hair Loss Treatments for Women to find out more about the issues covered in this article.
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Six Causes of Hair Loss In Women
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7:28 AM
The Cause of Hair Loss
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The Cause of Hair Loss
Normally, about 10 percent of the hair on your head is resting (not growing). After a few months, the resting hair falls out and new hair begins to grow in its place. The growing phase can last from 2 to 6 years. While in the growing phase, hair will gain approximately 1 centimeter a month. It is normal to experience hair loss every day as part of this normal resting/growing cycle. Some people experience excessive hair loss from a variety of causes.
The cause of hair loss is multi-variable. Most people erroneously believe that hair loss is caused by things like bad circulation, stress, sweat and dirt on the scalp, or wearing hats. With the exception of stress, none of these factors has been proven as a cause of hair loss. Stress is also not very likely unless you have undergone extreme physical or psychological torture. This hair loss is also temporary.
The real cause of hair loss lies with hormonal problems. Hair loss occurs when male or female hormones (androgens and estrogens) are out of balance. An imbalance of hormones is usually a genetic trait that as of yet, cannot be cured. Male and female-pattern baldness is the most common form of hair loss. This is caused by a hormone called DHT, a naturally occurring hormone that helps in sexual development. After puberty, an increase in DHT causes an increase in binding at hair follicle protein receptor sites which throws the process of healthy hair growth off.
Other causes of hair loss may be medicine. Blood-thinners, medicines used in chemotherapy, an excess of vitamin A, birth control pills, and antidepressants have all been shown to promote hair loss in certain people. Infections of the scalp can cause hair loss as well as certain diseases like lupus and diabetes.
Hairloss Info provides detailed information about the cause of male and hair loss, as well as products, treatments, remedies, and more. Hairloss Info is the sister site of Snoring Web.
Related Links:
Hair Loss In Women A Devastating Occurrence
Everything You Wanted To Know About Hair
Causes of Hair Loss
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7:25 AM
The Cause of Hair Loss
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Hair Loss Articles
The Cause of Hair Loss
Normally, about 10 percent of the hair on your head is resting (not growing). After a few months, the resting hair falls out and new hair begins to grow in its place. The growing phase can last from 2 to 6 years. While in the growing phase, hair will gain approximately 1 centimeter a month. It is normal to experience hair loss every day as part of this normal resting/growing cycle. Some people experience excessive hair loss from a variety of causes.
The cause of hair loss is multi-variable. Most people erroneously believe that hair loss is caused by things like bad circulation, stress, sweat and dirt on the scalp, or wearing hats. With the exception of stress, none of these factors has been proven as a cause of hair loss. Stress is also not very likely unless you have undergone extreme physical or psychological torture. This hair loss is also temporary.
The real cause of hair loss lies with hormonal problems. Hair loss occurs when male or female hormones (androgens and estrogens) are out of balance. An imbalance of hormones is usually a genetic trait that as of yet, cannot be cured. Male and female-pattern baldness is the most common form of hair loss. This is caused by a hormone called DHT, a naturally occurring hormone that helps in sexual development. After puberty, an increase in DHT causes an increase in binding at hair follicle protein receptor sites which throws the process of healthy hair growth off.
Other causes of hair loss may be medicine. Blood-thinners, medicines used in chemotherapy, an excess of vitamin A, birth control pills, and antidepressants have all been shown to promote hair loss in certain people. Infections of the scalp can cause hair loss as well as certain diseases like lupus and diabetes.
Hairloss Info provides detailed information about the cause of male and hair loss, as well as products, treatments, remedies, and more. Hairloss Info is the sister site of Snoring Web.
Related Links:
Hair Loss In Women A Devastating Occurrence
Everything You Wanted To Know About Hair
Causes of Hair Loss
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7:13 AM