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Are Low Carb Diets Good for Everyone?
What's a Low Carb Diet Really Mean?
When I hear low carb to me it means, "low sugar," or "less processed foods." If we'd all make an effort to avoid chips, cookies, cakes, high corn syrup drinks, and candy, then we'd be reducing our overall carbs and eating more healthfully at the same time. There is also no need to avoid foods that are grown and served as close to their natural state as possible such as fresh fruits and vegetables, nor must you avoid brown rice or even pasta.
It's not pasta that makes us fat, it's the creamy sauces and the loaves of bread, desserts, and drinks we have along with our spaghetti. It's the combination and quantity of food, not just one food or category of nutrients. When I hear someone say they eat bacon non-stop but they refuse to eat a baked potato or fresh peeled orange it makes me want to scream. I'm not a nutrition expert (even the experts can't agree at this point), but it does not take a genius to know that bacon is not a better choice over an apple. It just makes sense to eat the foods that grow in our soil first and to avoid the processed versions (think apples versus Apple Jack's cereal).
For a good basic diet overall, eat as much as you like of wholesome, clean foods. Include healthy grains, rice, beans, salads, vegetables, fruits, nuts (in moderation). Use nut and vegetable oils for cooking. Cook at home once in awhile. Stop super sizing. Buy fresh produce when it's available from your local farmers. Buy as close to home as possible, and walk to the store, if you can! What a concept.
Check the Serving Size on Processed Foods
If you want something pre-packaged read the label. How many servings does the label state? If more than one, multiply the numbers if you know you'll eat the whole thing, or if you and your spouse will eat it all, then multiply by servings and divide by two. I've seen candy bars that say they serve 2.8 people! When's the last time you split a candy bar?
I teach people to incorporate healthier eating into their lifestyles, not go on food plans dictated by some book or program which say what you can and cannot eat. Even those who can stay on the plan and do lose substantial amounts of weight, eventually eat something "off plan," which leads to something else and finally to the mental shift, "Well, I'm off that plan. Better eat up!" What did that experience do for that person? Nothing, but probably they'll end up a bit heavier than when they started.
Far better to learn how to eat within your usual lifestyle and create new habits that you then can live with, so even though Sunday is the big family party and you may (probably will) overeat, it won't matter because Monday you'll be back to your usual habits and patterns. That's how people without a weight problem eat whatever they want -- they just usually eat reasonably with the occasional deviation into unhealthy foods and quantities, rather usually eating an unhealthy diet and occasionally dieting like crazy to lose weight before a big event.
If you want a treat, have a treat, and no, it's not a treat if you eat it every day. That's a habit.
Start by Cutting Back Only 500 Calories
Get a reasonable idea of how many calories it requires to maintain your weight, i.e. if you are basically sedentary (get little or no movement regularly) then multiply your body weight by 12. Example, 200 X 12 = 2400. That would mean that if you did nothing but sit in a chair all day, you'd still need 2400 calories just to maintain your body weight! Start by cutting back the calories required to maintain your weight by 500, so our 200 pound fellow would be perfectly fine eating 1900 calories a day. I eat around 2200 calories on average every day (weekends I eat more than weekdays but it averages out to around 2200). I'm active, and I maintain my weight at around 135 pounds which on my 5'7" frame is fine for me.
No matter where you begin, start by cutting back by just 500 calories, instead of trying so valiantly to stick to 1200 calorie eating plans that aren't suitable for a 10-year old child. Remember, your activity increases your calorie requirements, so if you do get out of bed, you'll likely need more calories than your base. Whether you prefer low carb, low fat, low calorie or any combination thereof, just start to reduce what you're eating now, make substitutions where possible and create a healthier diet that fits, then add more daily exercise and you'll reach your goal in no time. Stand up in your chair, sit down. Stand up, sit down. That's exercise. It can be that simple.
So yes, the low carb approach can be right for everyone. We can all adopt the low carb approach when it means eating less processed foods and adding more fresh fruits and vegetables.
Kathryn Martyn, Master NLP Practitioner, EFT counselor, author of the free e-book: Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight Loss, and owner of
Get The Daily Bites: Inspirational Mini Lessons Using EFT and NLP for Ending the Struggle with Weight Loss.
Related Links:
How Safe Is the Atkins Diet?
The Non-Diet Diet
Low Carb Recipes Actually Taste Great!
Nutrition Is More Than The Nutrition Facts Box
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Are Low Carb Diets Good for Everyone?
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1:29 PM
Abdominal Liposuction - When Diets Dont Work
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Abdominal Liposuction - When Diets Dont Work
Abdominal liposuction refers to liposuction, or lipoplasty, that is performed on the torso area. Most candidates for this procedure have attempted a diet and exercise routine but are unable to achieve their goal of a flatter stomach. It is very common that fat deposits in the abdominal area are difficult to diminish, especially in women after childbirth. The abdominal area is generally one of the best areas of the body for this type of cosmetic surgery. However, as with most cosmetic surgeries, abdominal liposuction is generally not considered medically necessary and risk factors should be considered.
Many abdominal liposuction surgeries are performed using the tumescent technique. This method involves injecting a solution of local anesthetics into area to be treated. The fluids help the area to swell, leaving an opening where the liposuction tube can be easily inserted and navigated. With this technique the risks of blood loss and general anesthesia are eliminated and recovery time may well be reduced. Many doctors claim that recipients of the tumescent method can often return to work in as little as three days.
Many factors are taken into consideration when a patient requests abdominal liposuction. In the case of women who have given birth, pregnancy often leaves pouches of fat in the abdominal area that are seemingly resistant to diet and exercise. According to physicians, most women who have this type of liposuction performed are happy with the results and very few require an additional tummy-tuck. Abdominal liposuctions are also very effective in eliminating the bulge associated with C-sections and hysterectomies.
Another factor to consider is the location of the body fat. Physicians refer to the two types of abdominal fat as superficial and deep. Superficial body fat is the fat that exists between the muscle tissue and the surface skin. Deep (or intestinal) fat resides below the muscle tissue and is actually located on the intestines. While liposuction can effectively remove fat that is superficial, it is not possible to remove intestinal body fat with this method. This type of fat can only be removed by diet and exercise no surgical procedure is safe or available to remove deep fat. The good news for patients is that most people have much more superficial fat than deep fat, thereby greatly increasing the success rate for abdominal liposuction.
Some factors that influence results include prior obesity, gender, and age. In the case of recent obesity and weight loss, the fat is very fibrous and is very difficult to remove. Those over the age of 60 tend to have more elastic, less firm skin, thereby making liposuction difficult, and may not achieve the desired outcome. Since women tend to have less fibrous fat pockets than men, abdominal liposuction is usually easier to perform on women. The key to obtaining desired results and feeling satisfied with the surgery is to be comfortable and knowledgable about all aspects of the procedure.
Liposuction Info provides comprehensive information on the costs of standard, tumescent, and abdominal liposuction, before and after information, liposuction alternatives, and more. Liposuction Info is the sister site of Tummy Tuck Web.
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1:28 PM
7 Reasons Low Carb Diets are Wrong
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7 Reasons Low Carb Diets are Wrong
The human body is designed to run best on a certain type and balance of fuel. Unfortunately the latest low-carbohydrate fad diets are not fuel that the human body was designed to run on. Low - carbohydrate diets can cause several health concerns over time. Here are the top seven.
1. Gout
Gout is a form of arthritis that occurs when excessive uric acid levels, start to crystalize in joints, leading to pain and inflamation. Uric acid is a waste product in the liver's metabolism of protein. Excessive amounts of protein may lead to an inability of elimination of uric acid. The FAT LOSS COACH recommends you should not to exceed 1-1.25 grams of protein per lean pound of body weight.
2. Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are hard masses that form in the kidneys when uric acid or calcium oxalate crystalizes and over time form stones. Insoluble fiber found only in carbohydrates reduces the absorption of calcium, which cause urinary calcium levels to drop resulting in prevention of kidney stone's formation. The FAT LOSS COACH program recommends the consumption of 30 or more grams of fiber daily. This is not attainable on low - carbohydrate diets.
3. Constipation and Poor Intestinal Health
To maintain good intestinal health our bodies require thirty or more grams of fiber daily. Fiber is divided into two types soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fiber is vital in formation of stools and decreases the time process of waste elimination. Low carbohydrate diets are too low in insoluble fiber and increase risk of constipation. Poor transit time of waste material increases risk of certain colon cancers. Insoluble fibers prevent the buildup of mucus on intestinal walls which lead to poor absorption of nutrients into the body. Low carbohydrate diets are inadequate to maintain good intestinal wall health. The FAT LOSS COACH program uses whole grains, oats, beans, fruits and vegetable which are rich in soluble and insoluble fiber. This lowers the risk for constipation, irritable bowel, diverticulitis, crohn's disease, hemorrhoids and colon cancers.
4. Rise in Cholesterol Levels increase Risk Heart Disease
Risk of heart disease increases on a low carbohydrate, low fiber diets. These diets promote excessive amounts of animal protein, cholesterol and saturated fat. Exuberant amounts of protein increase homocysteine, which is a bi product of the amino acid methionine. Many experts believe that high homocysteine levels have many toxic effects which lead to increase risk of heart disease and hardening of arteries. Low carbohydrate, low fiber diets reduce the absorption and elimination of digestive bile in the intestines. Digestive bile is produced in the liver from cholesterol. A decrease in digestive bile production raises blood serum cholesterol levels which increases risk of heart disease. Unlike low carbohydrate diets the FAT LOSS COACH promotes nutritional balance providing 30% protein, 50% high fiber carbohydrates, 20% fat.
5. Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is the reduction of bone density, due to the loss of calcium over long periods of time. Several dietary factors increase the risk of osteoporosis. When dietary protein reaches excessive levels, so does the loss of calcium in the urine. Most studies show that a life - long high protein diet results in an increase of osteoporosis. Poor intestinal health due to low fiber diets cause inadequate absorption of calcium in intestines contributing to poor bone formation. This would suggest that all low carbohydrate diets cannot become a life long lifestyle of eating. This is only one of many reasons why low carbohydrate diets provide poor Long Term Weight Control. Interestingly, a diet too low in protein can also increase risk of osteoporosis. There is no one size fits all when managing our weight. All FAT LOSS COACH programs are customized to the individual providing the right balance of protein, carbohydrate and fat.
6. Loss of Muscle and Reduction of Metabolism
Any diet that applies the restriction of calories less than the body's daily requirements over long periods of time will result in the loss of lean muscle tissue and a decrease in the metabolism. All low carbohydrate diets are focused solely on weight loss. The loss of fat comes at a high cost, which is the loss of lean muscle. The loss of muscle reduces the resting metabolic rate, which is the major cause for rebound weight gain. Research shows 95% of all dieters' will regain that weight back. WE DON'T FAIL AT DIET'S - DIET'S FAIL US! The FAT LOSS COACH is a nutritional breakthrough because of it's three day eating cycle, called the GLYCO - CYCLE. The secret is we don't try to lose fat every day. That would result in losing muscle and reducing metabolism. ( Go to FAT LOSS COACH story to learn how the Glyco - Cycle was discovered ).
7. Poor Exercise Performance and Recovery
Carbohydrates are the primary fuel for your muscles and brain. Eating a low carbohydrate diet prevent proper maintenance of muscle and liver glycogen ( storage form of carbohydrate and water ), decreasing muscle performance and increasing muscle fatigue. ATP is the main source of energy for all muscle contraction. When a muscle is used, a chemical reaction breaks down ATP to produce energy. There is only enough ATP stored in the muscle for a few contractions. More ATP is needed. There are three enzyme systems that can create more ATP. The three sources of ATP for muscle contraction are carbohydrates, fatty acids and amino acid proteins. Carbohydrates metabolize efficiently and are therefore used first. If carbohydrates are not available, your muscles metabolize fatty acids and amino acids as secondary sources of ATP. These secondary sources are not efficient, which consequently cause your strength and endurance to drop drastically. The FAT LOSS COACH is customized to your amount of muscle and exercise schedule. It provides 50% of your calories from high fiber, low glycemic ( turn into blood sugar slowly ) carbohydrates which are metabolized into muscle energy best. This will lead to increases in strength and muscle endurance.
Final Thoughts
Long term success managing weight starts with the right approach. If you are overweight, the real problem is that you have too much body fat for how much muscle you possess. A body composition solution is needed, not just a weight loss diet. Your goal should be to lose fat without losing muscle or sacrificing your health in the process. To maintain your results your eating habits must develop life long character. Low carbohydrate diets provide initial weight loss, but at the high cost of losing muscle and reducing metabolism. They are inadequate sources of fuel to support exercise activity, which is vital in maintaining good health. The risks to your health long term makes low carbohydrate diet's poor solutions for life long weight management.
About The Author
Charles Remington
Customized Fat Loss System
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Learning How to Become a Good Loser
Low Carb vs. High
Weight Loss Methods
Best Fad Diets
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1:28 PM
3 Secrets Your Diet Book Wont Tell You
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3 Secrets Your Diet Book Wont Tell You
Are you wondering why youre not losing weight? If youre like me, youve tried every fad diet imaginable, and nothing seems to work at least not long-term. Ive personally tried Weight Watchers (that worked great until my schedule changed and I was no longer able to attend meetings), Atkins (not easy to follow for someone who travels a lot and loves to dine out), and crazy fad diets like the cabbage soup diet, the grapefruit diet, juice fasts, and countless others. I was hungry all the time, and I wasnt able to sustain any substantial weight loss because there are three secrets that NONE of those diets told me.
First, diets dont work, PERIOD. Any plan thats highly restrictive, structured or specialized is unrealistic for long-term maintenance. Plus, any diet that requires you to totally eliminate foods from your diet is a recipe for disaster. Personally, I dont care for chocolate. However, when someone tells me I cant or shouldnt have chocolate, its amazing how I suddenly crave it! When someone takes away a choice, the average person wants that choice back even if it didnt mean much when the option was available in the first place. Additionally, most diets dont work for everyone, and you wont know if a diet works unless you try it. Trying many diets without seeing results can lead to "dieters frustration" which, in many cases, just packs on more pounds.
The second point that most diets fail to mention is that you must eat frequently to regulate your metabolism and burn fat. Extreme low-calorie and tiny "portion-control" diets put your body into starvation mode, which means your body clings to food because it doesnt know when its next meal is coming. This explains how you can actually eat less food and consume less calories, and still not lose any weight. If your diet makes you feel hungry all the time, thats definitely not a good sign. The best nutrition plans require that you eat five or six small meals per day, no more than four hours apart.
Finally, diets are lying to you when they say you must be "patient" and expect to lose only one to two pounds per week. For someone like me, who had fifty pounds to lose, this information was devastating. If you have a lot of weight to lose (50 pounds or more), it is not unhealthy to drop three to five pounds per week, particularly in the beginning. In my experience, the greatest motivator is early results. When you can see the fruit of your efforts, you are much more likely to press onward when the going gets tough. Early results can help you maintain focus and keep your determination alive. An excellent all-natural supplement such as NiteTrim ( can jump-start your results from other weight-loss efforts. Supplements such as NiteTrim can also help you break through the dreaded "plateaus."
Once I discovered these three secrets, I realized that the best way to get in shape and maintain a healthy body is through proper nutrition, regular exercise and appropriate supplementation. By far the best program Ive found is a combination of Bill Phillips Body for LIFE ( and NiteTrim ( Bill Phillips has truly made nutrition simple, effective, and easy to follow. Additionally, the Body for LIFE book provides step-by-step exercise and fitness guidance suitable for anyone, regardless of experience or current fitness level. NiteTrim is an all-natural supplement that effectively burns fat, and the company offers a 30-day free trial supply, as well as a money-back guarantee at
Amy Grant is an avid fitness enthusiast who enjoys SCUBA diving, photography, and empowering people to achieve their goals.
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1:12 PM