Diet Resource Site
Diet Articles
Low-carb Diets: Fad, Fallacy, or Fact?
(Submited by: Jon Davis )
The most common and popular diet fad over the past two years has undoubtedly been the low-carb diet. It has many followers, both in the U.K. and the U.S.A., and its various celebrity endorsements, particularly of the most renowned version, The ... Read article
The Diet Dilemma. Why Diets Dont Work
(Submited by: Norbert Haag )
Lets face when it comes to overweight and obesity there are 2 basic facts we have to take into account.First, dieting is a huge industry.Second, Industries live by getting and keeping customers and not by loosing them.Sounds ... Read article
Food Intolerance and Low Carb Diets
(Submited by: Benji Paras )
Food intolerance is a pharmacological reaction to the consumption of certain foods. In many cases, food intolerance may appear to be the side-effect of pharmacological drugs, but in fact, it is generally caused by the consumption of natural foods ... Read article
Not all Fats are Bad
(Submited by: Dianne Ronnow )
Fats have been unfairly lumped together as being all bad for too long. Fat doesnt necessarily cause disease, and can actually cause a role in its prevention. The truth is that some fats are very bad for us and some fats are actually very good ... Read article
Are Low Carb Diets Good for Everyone?
(Submited by: Kathryn Martyn, M.NLP )
What's a Low Carb Diet Really Mean?When I hear low carb to me it means, "low sugar," or "less processed foods." If we'd all make an effort to avoid chips, cookies, cakes, high corn syrup drinks, and candy, then we'd be reducing our overall ... Read article
How to Design the Perfect Diet
(Submited by: Kathryn Martyn, M.NLP )
All Diets Are Based on the Same Premise: Eat Less Calories and You'll Lose WeightDiets come in all sizes and flavors and all tend to rely on the formula of less calories, despite their claims to the contrary. The Peanut butter ... Read article
Low Carb Diet Secrets Revealed!
(Submited by: Jeff Smith )
You may be considering a low carb diet program, but wonder if they really work, and if so, how well?Let's take the mystery out of low carb diets by giving you the 3 most important elements to their success.First, you need to bring ... Read article
Fiber in a Nutshell?
(Submited by: Constance Weygandt )
There are numerous diets out there that guarantee that they are the ones that will work. We all know who and what they are. There is the no carb, low carb, carb and low fat, grapefruit, and soup diets, to name a few. While I believe that each of ... Read article
How Safe Is the Atkins Diet?
(Submited by: Michael Lewis )
The Atkins Diet Seems To Never Go AwayFad diets come and go, but The Atkins Diet, a high-protein, low-carbohydrate weight-loss plan, seems never to go away, no matter how many medical professionals denounce it."Low-carb diets have ... Read article
The Non-Diet Diet
(Submited by: Deborah Martin )
Diets don't work. If they did the U.S. of A. would be the thinnest, trimmest nation in the world, with over 40 million Americans spending billions each year on weight loss products. In fact, the opposite is true. The Center for Disease Control ... Read article
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Saturday, September 02, 2006
Low-carb Diets: Fad, Fallacy, or Fact?
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2:23 PM
Diet and Exercise Tips
Diet Resource Site
Diet Articles
Diet and Exercise Tips
(Submited by: Allison Burr-Miller )
The formula for weight loss is unique to the individual, but the path may begin with something as simple as a tasty low-calorie recipe and a 15-minute ab routine. The below mini-guide explains body mass index, popular diets and offers simple ... Read article
Rating The Diets: A Mindless Exercise?
(Submited by: Virginia Bola, PsyD )
There has been a recent surge in the experts weighing in (pun intended) on popular and celebrity diets to rate them in terms of effectiveness, nutritional adequacy, and balance. Look at the latest crop of magazines, Internet news reports, and ... Read article
Do Jet Lag Diets Work?
(Submited by: Donald Saunders )
Anti jet lag diets have been around for some time now, but do they work?Perhaps the best know anti jet lag diet is the Argonne Diet, developed at the Argonne National Laboratory in 1982. Over the years thousands of people have downloaded ... Read article
Protein: Common or Missing Link?
(Submited by: Jim Duffy )
Most of us equate the word diet with calorie reduction. This is understandable, since most diet marketing is relentlessly focused on offering consumers low-calorie options.Unfortunately, this way of thinking is categorically wrong. The ... Read article
Weight Loss: Carbs? Or No Carbs?
(Submited by: Michael Lewis )
Dietitians just plain don't like low-carb or high-protein diets.Whether it's The Atkins Diet, The Stillman Diet, The Scarsdale Diet or Eat Yourself Thin Like I Did by Nancy Moshier, a popular, new book that recommends a low-carb ... Read article
Give up the Diet
(Submited by: Gary Matthews )
If you're thinking of going on a diet to lose those extra pounds think again. Long-term weight control through dieting is near impossible, for the simple reason is that diets promote only short term solutions not long term.After dieting ... Read article
Todays Diets Whats Hot!
(Submited by: Susan Daniel and Debbie Overstreet )
For the person who wants to shed a few pounds (or even a lot of pounds), there are many choices of diet programs. To pick the best one for your tastes and lifestyle, you need to look at the attributes of each diet plan. A listing of just a few ... Read article
Can a Fad Diet Ever Be Useful?
(Submited by: Terje Ellingsen )
What is a fad diet? Walking the less resistant way seems to be a part of our nature. Of course most over-weight people want to get rid of their excessive pounds yesterday, if possible. Many more or less serious weight loss e-diet or online diet ... Read article
Nutritional Myths that Just Wont Die: Protein!
(Submited by: Will Brink )
When it comes to the topic of sports nutrition there are many myths and fallacies that float around like some specter in the shadows. They pop up when you least expect them and throw a monkey wrench into the best laid plans of the hard training ... Read article
Yoga and Low Carb Diets
(Submited by: Carmela Cattuti )
Yoga is an ancient system of movement designed to generate vibrant health and well being. Excellent health and well being are experienced in the results of a yoga practice such as: stress reduction, increased energy and awareness, increased ... Read article
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2:22 PM
Low-Carb Diets - An Introduction
Diet Resource Site
Diet Articles
Low-Carb Diets - An Introduction
(Submited by: Priya Shah )
According to a recent survey by the National Health Institute, about a third of overweight Americans who are trying to lose weight, are doing so by eating less carbohydrates (carbs) largely because of the increased popularity of fad diets like ... Read article
Low Fat versus Low Carb Diets
(Submited by: Andreea Dinescu )
Diets, diets, diets... every where you go, anything you read you cant miss them, they are almost everywhere. And if you have weight problems you are really annoyed by the huge number of ads or commercials promoting one or another type of diet ... Read article
Low-Carb Diet - Should I or Shouldnt I?
(Submited by: James Ellison )
It's no wonder that confusion reigns when it comes to the worth and reliability of low-carb diets after all the conflicting studies and confusing interpretation of the information. It seems like debates are popping up everywhere!No matter ... Read article
Weight Loss Diets with Negative Calorie Foods
(Submited by: P. Mehta )
Negative calorie foods are said to use more calories to digest than the calorie content of the foods themselves, resulting in a negative calorie balance. It is therefore natural to consider a diet containing these foods for weight loss.A ... Read article
Low-Carb Diets: Are You Losing More than Weight?
(Submited by: Monique N. Gilbert )
The average American eats about twice as much protein than what they require. Some people, in the pursuit of thinness, are going on low-carb diets and are eating up to four times the protein their body needs. Protein deficiency is certainly not ... Read article
Who Said Low Carb Diets Ever Meant No-Carb?
(Submited by: S.A. Smith )
A little information if often a dangerous thing... and many people trying low carb diets failed miserably in the long-run because they took the concept to its extreme figuring that if low-carb diets were good, then no-carb diets must be better? ... Read article
The Hidden Truth About Diets
(Submited by: Hiram Perez )
Quick, what's the first thought that pops into your head when you hear the word "diet?" Probably that when you're on one, you feel like you're going to "d-i-e" right?!WHAT EXACTLY IS A DIET?Most people believe that a diet is ... Read article
Why Do All Diets Fail?
(Submited by: Steven Gillman )
There's a dirty little secret in the diet industry. The sellers of weight loss programs won't admit it, but no weight loss plan works for everyone. In fact, all diets fail MOST OF THE TIME!Don't we all have a friend who can eat and eat ... Read article
Coconut Oil Diets
(Submited by: Dianne Ronnow )
Have you heard about coconut oil diets yet? People are adding coconut oil to their diets and are getting incredible results. They are losing weight, getting more energy, and getting healthier.Coconut oil is safe to use, and does not turn ... Read article
Why Fad Diets Dont Work
(Submited by: Meri Raffetto )
Fad diets have been around for more than 50 years and no matter how many come and go, we are always intrigued and excited by the next one feeling almost sure this will be the one to work. And they do work...for a while and then we bounce around ... Read article
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2:21 PM