Diet Resource Site
Diet Articles
Diets, Diets, DietsDo They Work?
Almost everyone has attempted to follow diets and weight loss programs at some time in their lives. The trouble with so many diets and low fat diets is that they are hard to follow. Some diets leave you hungry and craving food all the time. A healthy diet is one that you feel good about following and encourages you to eat in a healthy way while at the same time reducing the overall calorie content.
When choosing from among the many diets available, keep in mind what your reason is for altering your eating and exercise habits.
Do you want to feel better and have some more energy?
Are you tired of not fitting into your clothes and that has caused you to consider one of the weight loss diets?
Experts agree that its not good to try and loose excess weight in a quick manner. Its better to take your time and incorporate a package of exercise, proper nutrition and, in general, balance.
As with all new diets, weight loss and exercise plans, its always best to consult with your physician and have a complete physical examination before starting.
There are many different diets products to choose from. Choose from only the best providers of coral calcium products that offer great prices. That way youll be guaranteed quality and they can even be shipped right to your door.
About The Author
Mike Yeager, Publisher
Related Links:
You Are What You Eat
Why Many Fat Free Diets Do Not Work
Vegetable Diets: Facts For Fitness
Diets - Why Drastic Does Not Work
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Diets, Diets, DietsDo They Work?
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8:55 PM
Diet and Exercise Tips
Diet Resource Site
Diet Articles
Diet and Exercise Tips
The formula for weight loss is unique to the individual, but the path may begin with something as simple as a tasty low-calorie recipe and a 15-minute ab routine. The below mini-guide explains body mass index, popular diets and offers simple recipe modifications.
Working the Abs
The most popular area of the body people want to improve upon is their abs. If you feel trapped in the world of the mundane sit-up, there are many different ways to work your abs without killing yourself or needing to buy convoluted machinery.
Try doing scissor crunches:
First, lay down flat on your back with your legs straight.
Next, cross your arms across your chest and sit up until your elbows contact your legs.
Start off doing 3 sets of 25 or so repetitions.
If you have an exercise partner, or desire an exercise you can do with a partner, try doing sit-ups with a ball.
Get in a sit up position and on your way up, have a friend throw you an exercise ball (5-12 pounds ideally).
Go back down with the ball, and on your way up, toss your friend the ball back.
Continue this process until your friend tells you to stop. Just kidding! Try 3 sets of 25 reps again.
Body Mass Index explained
Your weight isnt always indicative of your health and fitness level. In fact, it can be a very arbitrary number. Many experts suggest your body mass index (BMI) is a much more telling statistic because it considers your weight, height, and body type to calculate your body fat. In so doing, your BMI calculation gauges when extra pounds begin to be a health risk.
The BMI Formula: weight X (height X height) X 704.55
To calculate your body index, you divide your weight by the product of your height squared. Then you multiply by 704.55. According to BMI medical guidelines, if the number you come up with is 25 or less, you are of normal weight (if it is 18 or less, you are underweight). Body Mass Index calculators, such as the one found at can perform these calculations for you. The only information you need to enter is your sex, height, weight, and waist size.
Popular fad diets explained
There have been many diets introduced in recent years preaching that they can help you lose tons of weight in minimal time. There is weight loss success for some while others struggle to stay committed long term. The premise behind almost all of these diets (i.e. the Atkins diet, the grapefruit diet, vegan diets, etc.) is that an entire food group is being scantily used, if not, altogether cut out from a dieters list of allotted foods. Such drastic alterations in your diet could give you the short-term results youre looking for, but actually may hurt your health in the long run. For this reason, it is important to know the ins and outs of a potential diet before you decide to jump on the bandwagon.
The Atkins diet pioneered the idea of the evil carbohydrate
Vegan and vegetarian diets are often scorned for lacking protein (despite steps taken to incorporate non-carnal proteins into such diets)
Low-fat diets are faulted with providing too little fat, and consequently the body has nothing to absorb nutrients with
Weight Watchers and other such diets often require too much portion control for the casual dieter, and as a result seem destined for failure
The grapefruit diet a rather extreme example of abandoning core food groups and nutrients
Food Label Meanings
Knowing what certain words on your food label actually mean is important. Common ingredients such as flour and high fructose corn syrup actually mean refined, sugar-filled carbohydrates, or bad carbohydrates. According to health author Lee Dobbins, carbohydrates that come from fruit, vegetable, and whole grain sources often get a bad rap. However, if these foods are actually put under the microscope, there is no reason to scrutinize their nutritional value they fuel and cleanse your body.
Good-for-you Recipes
Dieting does not require cutting all of your favorite foods. If you make a few lifestyle decisions substitute low-fat or low-calorie ingredients for those ingredients that contain higher levels you can consistently eat well and not even notice. Recipe connoisseurs Kim Beardsmore and Jeff Rosales have a number of good-tasting as well as good-for-you recipes.
Spicy chicken cacciatore can be prepared and contain less than 250 calories with a recipe that naturally calls for lean chicken breast and a tomato based sauce as opposed to fatty cream sauces.
If youre looking for a breakfast suggestion, try banana toast. If you alter the traditional French toast recipe by substituting whole eggs with egg whites and by using skim milk, you have a much healthier meal.
*About the Source: The complete ArcaMax Publishing Diet and Exercise guide can be found at Other news and special sections available at include vacation planning, gardening, parenting tips for the new school year, and much more.
Related Links:
You Are What You Eat
Why Many Fat Free Diets Do Not Work
Vegetable Diets: Facts For Fitness
Diets - Why Drastic Does Not Work
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8:54 PM
Coconut Oil Diets
Diet Resource Site
Diet Articles
Coconut Oil Diets
Have you heard about coconut oil diets yet? People are adding coconut oil to their diets and are getting incredible results. They are losing weight, getting more energy, and getting healthier.
Coconut oil is safe to use, and does not turn to fat in your body. It raises the metabolism, so you burn more fat and have more energy. It does not increase your cholesterol, but actually helps lower it. Coconut oil is wonderful diet addition for just about everyone.
Alexis says, Let me tell you how it has been working for me. The first thing I noticed is that I had a lot more energy. Then I started noticing that the regular exercises I had been doing suddenly started working. The fat was beginning to turn to muscle. I didn't lose weight the first week or two, but I am losing weight now! And I now have enough energy to start increasing my exercise workout times, when before it was a struggle to exercise at all. I love this diet!
"What Coconut Oil DOES NOT Do:
* Does not increase blood cholesterol level.
* Does not promote platelet stickiness or blood clot formation.
* Does not contribute to atherosclerosis or heart disease.
* Does not contribute to weight problems."
What Coconut Oil DOES Do:
* Reduces risk of atherosclerosis and related illnesses.
* Reduces risk of cancer and other degenerative conditions.
* Helps prevent bacterial, viral, and fungal (including yeast) infections.
* Supports immune system function.
* Helps control diabetes.
* Provides an immediate source of energy.
* Supports healthy metabolic function.
* Improves digestion and nutrient absorption.
* Supplies important nutrients necessary for good health.
* Supplies fewer calories than other fats.
* Promotes weight loss.
* Helps prevent osteoporosis.
* Has a mild delicate flavor.
* Is highly resistant to spoilage (long shelf life).
* Is heat resistant (the healthiest oil for cooking).
* Helps keep skin soft and smooth.
* Helps prevent premature aging and wrinkling of the skin.
* Helps protect against skin cancer and other blemishes.
* Functions as a protective antioxidant."
From Bruce Fife's Book, "The Coconut Oil Miracle".
If you would like more information on coconut oil dieting, check out the Coconut Oil Diet Secrets site at:
By Dianne Ronnow, 2005 Mohave Publishing. All rights reserved.
Dianne Ronnow is an Internet marketer, author, publisher, and business professor. She has worked in the real estate and the health care industry and is particularly interested in diet and nutrition.
Her best selling book reveals how thousands of people are losing weight and getting healthier with coconut oil diets. To find out what the secrets of coconut oil dieting are, Check out her site at: Get the book now and start losing weight today!
Related Links:
Why Do All Diets Fail?
Coconut Oil Diets
Why Fad Diets Dont Work
Diet and Exercise Tips
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8:51 PM